03-12-2020 di redazione
Kuki Gallmann had "a story to tell".
This novel is his story.
Italian, from Treviso, she moved to Kenya in 1972 with her second husband Paolo and son Emanuele.
In a huge ranch in Laikipia she will build her new life but her family will first suffer the mourning of her husband, who leaves her with a little girl on the way and then that of her son.
Beyond the personal story that moves and touches the heartstrings of the heart, she tells of an engaging passion for Africa, of a "natural" encounter with herself, of a spiritual and ancestral relationship that will guide her in all her choices until the creation of the "Gallmann Memorial Foundation", a non-profit organization that promotes educational projects on the protection and preservation of the environment.
The descriptions and settings of a Kenya still virgin or little contaminated between the boundless beauty of the savannah and the short vivid sunsets of the coast, have the power to excite the reader, leaving the reader with some melancholy for that "colonial" Africa.
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