01-06-2022 di redazione
At first glance it looks like a miniature baobab, with the base of the trunk being very bulky and swollen, formed by both the roots and the stem, and the branches not being too long, with whitish streaks giving it an almost smooth appearance.
Adenium Obesum, known as Desert Rose or Madagascar Oleander is a plant that is very easy to see in tropical gardens on the Kenyan coast. It shares with oleander the shape of its flowers, its existence in drought and the toxicity of some of its parts, in fact some indigenous peoples use its sap to make arrows for hunting.
Its name seems to derive from the Gulf of Aden, between Africa and Saudi Arabia, because that is where it was first discovered.
Belonging to the Apocynaceae family, it is widespread in the Sub-Saharan area, and has given rise to numerous subspecies that differ from each other in the colour of their flowers, the shape of their trunk and leaves, and above all in their size, which can reach up to 3 metres in height. As a shrubby plant native to desert areas, it prefers dry climates and thrives in sunny areas with temperatures above 20°C. It can also withstand periods of drought as its trunk, like the baobab, stores water and moisture inside.
In the language of flowers, the desert rose is the plant that is associated with true and lasting love, which can withstand adversity.
The flower of the Adenium consists of five white or pink petals with darker tips, contrasting strongly with the bright green leaves and the short, slender stem of the plant, which can grow to more than 10 cm in size.
The flowering period is very long and the beauty is enchanting...unforgettable!
The green heart of Africa, where every nook and cranny is a metaphor for the continent's wild and fabulous eternity: springs, forest, sudden precipices and escarpments, gentle hills...
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The Dragon Fruit or Pitaya is a tropical fruit belonging to the Cactacaceae family, like the prickly pear. Although it is native to Central and South America, it is now particularly common in Asia and tropical countries where the climate...
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Environmentalists move by two years to avoid a mess that could relate to the Arabuko Sokoke Forest, which stretches from Gede in Matsangoni, along the Mombasa-Malindi road where there are also inputs for tourists, until well into the street for...
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Among the thousands of possibilities to enjoy Nature that Kenya, and particularly its coast, can boast, there is certainly the sea landscape dominated by mangroves.
These plants, which have their roots in soils which feed on water from the Indian...
The natives call it “Nyari”, a giriama word that means “the place crumbling naturally by itself”.
Marafa village is in Magarini district, just forty kilometres down Malindi area, less than one hour drive, mostly on a good dirt road studded...
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Watamu is not only a paradise for tourists and for those who fall in love with Africa and then returns, but also a "field of exploration" for many young people from all over the world.
Especially its ecosystem is of...
di Simona Cascarano
Enrico and I made a dream come true in Kenya, in Watamu.
We have been a couple for six years, but we wanted to crown our love with an unforgettable ceremony and a great party to share with relatives and friends.
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In 1972, the Kenyan Government declared the area east of Lake Turkana, between the Tulor Bor River to the north and Allia Bay to the south, a national park under the name Sibiloi.
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Freeing lakes from a weed that restricts fish reproduction and at the same time creating biofuel to limit the use of charcoal in rural kitchens.
This is a Kenyan initiative that simultaneously safeguards the environment, trade and the health of...
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The live evenings at Watamu's Come Back Club embellish themselves with an extraordinary concert this Friday.
On the stage of Watamu club...
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Rhodognaphalon Schumannianum or East African Bombax or Wild Kapok, is an indigenous species of flowering plant in the Malvaceae family found in the coastal strip of East Africa, from south-eastern...
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An enchanting voice, perfect. Of those that it is a sublime pleasure to listen to the jazz notes of the great international standards.
Neapolitan singer Simona De Rosa, who has long divided her life between Italy and New York, gave...
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The Bixa Orellana, locally known as 'mrangi', is a shrub belonging to the Bixaceae family.
Native to South America, this small tree was transported by...
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Moringa: the tree of life, the miracle tree or even the immortal plant.
It is a member of the Moringaceae family, of which at least 13 species are known, ranging from...