Ultime Notizie


Boom di prenotazioni per il prossimo Natale

Prenotazioni in largo anticipo a Watamu

16-06-2023 di redazione

So much for the 'Italian' summer, the hunt for holidays in Kenya for next Christmas has already begun, especially in Watamu, the destination that most of all is stimulating the imagination of many compatriots to spend the festivities at the end of 2023 in the heat and in front of a crystal-clear sea. Omega Replica
This is confirmed by the requests pouring in on specialised holiday booking sites, which in the case of Watamu and Diani are receiving enquiries not only from our country but also from other European nations. It is not only hotels and organised accommodation that have already filled up significantly from 23 December onwards. Just take a look at the AirBnB portal and you will realise that most of the private villas, even with essential services such as staff, cooks, etc., which represent the most attractive and economical alternative for groups of friends or families, have already been booked.

That of the villa in Kenya is a much sought-after solution, because against the cost of the accommodation in its entirety, which might seem high (on average around 250 euros per day), there are lodgings that contemplate up to 14 beds, which means splitting the expense and enjoying a holiday in a dream residence with a minimal outlay that if it were not for the high ticket prices (but those who have booked well in advance have found some good deals in this regard too) would be truly competitive with other destinations that promise 'summer even in winter'.
Even in terms of enquiries to the email of our portal, the confirmation is the absolute will to come to Kenya, so much so that there are already those who have booked even for February 2024 and are asking for advice on safaris and other excursions.

For those who are still undecided, the advice is to move as soon as possible. Kenya is back in vogue!

TAGS: watamuchristmas holidayearly booking

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