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Agama, rettile che cambia colore in base all'umore

In this time on Kenyan coast orange and blue are more bright

24-07-2017 di redazione

Mood in Kenya is really an essential component of life and not just for man, who often finds "sense of peace" or the meaning of his earthly path. Science now tells us that some animals can completely change the features according to how they feel inside.
This is the case of Agama, that particular and wonderful lizard that we are used to to admire even on the Kenyan coast, especially when it starts to be very hot. Its peculiarity is the color. Indeed, in the face of an intense blue (or electric blue) skin from the tail to the front legs, it almost always has an orange head.
Until some time ago, it was thought that the temperature would affect its color variations (from blue to turquoise to cobalt blue) and the tone of the head anchor. Instead, according to recent American studies, it seems that it is the mood to change colors to Agama.
When it is happy and satiated, blue is more intense, when it is in love the orange shines.
We will try to smell them from now on trying to provoke some new feeling in her ... who knows she does not give us a hasty green hope (her, which we take off sooner Possible) or a red shame ("figure it, they found I'm in love ...").
The important thing is that the Agama continues to hold on to the whole African vision of a lizard who stands in front of us, turns his head toward us and begins to fall. Other things that change in humor: that, as with many "entities" in Kenya, we care about it!

TAGS: AgamaAnimali KenyaNatura Kenya

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