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Watamu, not only holidays

With vacation requests, real estate also comes in handy

07-06-2017 di redazione

The sale of Watamu for next season and in general as a holiday home, second home and also possible paradise where to start a new life, moves to Italy. In the Old Continent, negotiations for the purchase of houses, villas and apartments are under way, which, after a noticeable decline in recent years and a slow recovery last year, had a significant rise in the season just ended.
So the Italian construction companies have reopened the yards and design new residences, villas and resorts, with solutions suited to any kind of need, social range and economic potential. With the resumption of real estate sales, demand for the next summer holidays is already recorded, and the Kenyan coast will again be one of the most sought-after destinations by the Italians. The charter flights and with them the holiday packages will resume in the first week of July, with special offers but also the possibility of wonderful safaris during the period of great migration of animals. In July, it has always been considered in Kenya the month of nature safari tourism and photography enthusiasts.
In August, however, the Watamu world of exclusive day beaches, with the wonderful bays and sand stretches of the coral reef, and the evening at the beach party at the ocean, with the ever more attractive proposals of restaurants and Of the other classical "facilities" of Africa, which is also increasingly Europe's holiday destination, without losing its enchanted world of contact with wildlife and with these poor, humble and smiling people.

TAGS: Immobiliare KenyaWatamu real estateWatamu case

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