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Lake Logipi, a hidden gem in northern Kenya

Flamingo paradise after Lake Turkana and Lake Bogoria

15-07-2021 di redazione

Lake Logipi is a minor lake in the northern Rift Valley, at the northern end of the arid Suguta Valley, one of the hottest places on earth, nicknamed 'The Valley of Death', where gigantic granite rocks perch atop piles of volcanic ash, deep gorges of layered rock give way to kilometres and kilometres of sand dunes created by relentless winds that whip through the valley.
About six kilometres wide and three kilometres long, it has a maximum depth of five metres and is separated from Lake Turkana by 'The Barrier', a group of young volcanic mountains that last erupted between the 19th and 20th centuries.
Lake Logipi is a saline and alkaline expanse of green streaked with pink by the plumage of the flamingos that populate its barren banks, which are coloured brown by soft layers of silt.
In the middle is a rocky island, Naperito Rock, about 370 metres high, known as 'Cathedral Rock', from which hot saline springs flow, helping to maintain the presence of water even in periods of extreme drought.
Lake Logipi is a paradise for flamingos.
More and more lesser and greater flamingos are migrating from Lake Nakuru and Lake Bogoria to these remote waters as the presence of cyanobacteria and plankton, on which they feed, is particularly abundant.
Flying over this little gem in one of Kenya's most inhospitable places is a spectacular and unforgettable experience.


TAGS: laghi Kenyalago Logipiflamingos Kenya

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