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Watamu now is more precious with Maridadi shop

A new boutique in the center of the town, with original items

30-12-2017 di redazione

A new boutique was created in Watamu, right in the town's tourist centre.
On the main street, fifty metres after the supermarket "Mama Lucy", you will find the "Maridadi"shop, opened a few days ago.
Maridadi is the union of creativity and style of two malindine "brands", who have decided to put together to offer interior decorations, gift items, clothes and accessories such as bags and belts within the same space.
A brand new boutique for the "pearl of the Indian Ocean" in great growth of popularity and number of tourists and visitors, including locals.
Maridadi is open from Monday to Saturday, hours 09.00-13.00,16.00-19.00

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TAGS: maridadi boutiqueboutique watamunegozi watamuborse watamuarredamenti watamu

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