

All together to clean Watamu beaches

Saturday in Kenya the International Coastal Cleanup Day

15-09-2017 di redazione

A great day to show that everyone in Watamu cares for the environment and the cleanliness of their own white and beautiful beach.
From Jacaranda Bay (with the homonymous resort at the top of the day) to Temple Point, the entire coastline of the resort will be sifted by Kenya Wildlife Service operators and volunteers from the Watamu Marine Association.
This is the International Coastal Clean Up Day, an event that is held all over the world at the same time, Saturday 16 September from 8 to 10 in the morning and in which everyone can (it should be said that they should) participate: residents, tourism activities, ordinary Kenyan and foreign citizens and also tourists. Because the environment is a value to everyone, the Kenyan environment is a beautiful environment that is worth protecting especially to be even more attractive for those who come to visit and want to enjoy it fully, as well as to teach civilization to children, menefreghist tourists and that part of the local population not yet accustomed that care and attention for their own home, as well as a "modus vivendi", can also be part of a business.

TAGS: Spiagge KenyaSpiaggia WatamuCosta KenyaWatamu ambiente

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