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Ol Donyo Sabuk, a little paradise a stone's throw from Nairobi

Nature park between woods and views, where Roosevelt and Churchill stayed

23-05-2020 di redazione

The Kikuyu call it "Kilimambogo", the Buffalo Mountain. To the maasai it's simply "The Great Hill".
Ol Donyo Sabuk, less than an hour's drive from Nairobi, not far from the town of Thika, is a small reserve of rocks and forest, dominated by a densely wooded mountain.
The resort is famous for having been home to the estate of the American philanthropist Lord Mac Millan and his effervescent wife since the early 20th century. From here they often went on safari to Mount Kenya.
Mac Millan's home was a sort of castle fort, similar to the medieval English ones.
The likes of American President Theodore Roosevelt and British Prime Minister Winston Churchill stayed here.
Transformed into a prison during the Second World War, Ol Donyo Sabuk also hosted Duke Amedeo D'Aosta in 1941, before the disease that killed him in Nairobi. Today it has been turned into a museum, actually a bit resigned.
Only one road leads to the top of Kilimambogo, from where you can enjoy fantastic views of the Athi River, the pineapple fields of Thika and Mount Kenya.
Going down into the valley, the lush vegetation and clean, fresh air of this small national park, as well as its proximity to the capital, make it an ideal day or weekend excursion, taking advantage of the KWS campsite accommodation.


TAGS: Ol DonyoParchi KenyaAmdeo d'AostaKilimabogoMcmillan

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