26-01-2021 di Leni Frau
Amboseli National Park is one of Kenya's most popular parks and we can say that one of the ...
06-10-2020 di Leni Frau
25-06-2019 di Leni Frau
09-02-2018 di Leni Frau
The real mountain of the Maasai people is Mount Suswa, a former volcano with incredible craters and caves.
Located in the heart of their land, Suswa is certainly the least known but probably the most interesting of the three famous Great Rift Valley volcanoes. The other two are the Longonot and Menengai, not far away, towards the city of Nakuru.
16-07-2008 di redazione
There are 64 parks and national reserves in Kenya, which is the country of the world with the widest variety of animal species in the wildside.
Even the vegetation varies from park to park and with it the microclimate and wildlife.
The main parks are Aberdare National Park, Amboseli National Park, Arabuko Sokoke Forest Reserve (Gede), Hell's Gate National ParK, Kakamega Forest Reserve, Lake Bogoria National Park, Lake Nakuru National Park, Maasai Mara National Reserve, Meru National Park, Mount Kenya National Park, Nairobi National Park, Saiwa Swamp National Park, Samburu National Reserve, Buffalo Springs and Shaba National Reserve Shimba Hills National Reserve, Tsavo East National Park, Tsavo West National Park.