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One of the most searched tourist destinations, Watamu

The secret of millions of clicks and millions of tourists

27-12-2022 di redazione

There is a new Kenyan star shining in the firmament of the most clicked tourist destinations by Italians on search engines and most viewed on Youtube and Tik Tok video channels. It is Watamu, which more than a thousand social channels and as many pages and groups, is among the top 5 exotic destinations desired by our compatriots. 

The coastal resort, which even before the pandemic had experienced seasons of growth not only because of the influx of Italian, Kenyan and international tourists, but also because of the development at the level of services, venues and hospitality that now make it the most desired destination for young and old alike, is steadily rising in popularity.

While coexistence remains fairly harmonious (the less young complain about clubs that play music until late, and emerging Africans have different culinary and lifestyle habits from Europeans) where Watamu wins out is in the all-around offer of hotels, bed & breakfasts, and private home accommodations, one of the vacation models that have been in vogue lately.

The convenience of the resort, often by the ocean and on one of the resort's many beautiful bays, attracts couples, singles, people of a certain age, and especially families with children. While bed-and-breakfasts and airbnb and similar situations appeal to the very young and travelers. The novelty in search and demand, from surveys conducted by Malindikenya.net, is in private villas: both in the choice of reserving an exclusive vacation in total privacy, and in the price of real exotic mansions, with gardens, swimming pool, staff and other amenities. Luxury living jewels can be rented for 200 euros a day all-inclusive, but if you count that they can accommodate as many as 8 or 10 people, for groups of friends, the per capita fee is jaw-dropping and very competitive for a dream destination like Watamu.

The international vocation of the "pearl of the Indian Ocean" is recognized, and with the return of tourism from Italy it can rediscover the added value of resorts filled by tour operators who prepare vacation packages including direct charter flights. They are not, as they once were, the only resource for the tourism sector on Kenya's north coast, but they can be the ideal springboard for a grand revival of the beach product in this country. The secret? Watamu has not stood still, and in the past two replica Rolex years not only have almost no facilities closed their doors, but many have tightened their belts and done makeover work. Premises have been taken over and new ones opened, with clever marketing operations. It's a safe bet that Watamu's season, if all goes well in the world (and in the upcoming national elections), will be a success!

TAGS: watamu destinationtiktok watamukenyan coastindian ocean

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