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Coconut. The essence of Africa.

Water, oil, milk and pulp

08-07-2020 di redazione

The coconut is the fruit of the coconut palm, scientific name Cocos nucifera, a plant belonging to the Arecaceae family and native to Indonesia, but thanks to the ability of coconuts to float on seawater and maintain the ability to germinate after 110 days of immersion (a period in which they can travel up to 5000 kilometers) has spread naturally in many places around the globe. 
Coconuts or "drupes" usually grow in five or six bunches, each containing about a dozen fruits.
They are protected by a fibrous shell 5 to 15 cm thick under which we find very hard and thin brownish shells that must be broken to reach the flesh, which adheres to the inner walls. 
The flesh contained inside is fibrous, milky and rich in precious oil. In the still unripe fruit, the pulp is replaced by a sweet and refreshing opalescent white liquid known as "coconut water", a particularly thirst-quenching drink rich in mineral salts.
Coconut water can be considered as a real natural supplement. It contains mineral salts such as magnesium, potassium and calcium. The mineral salts act in synergy to keep the body hydrated during physical activity. It can therefore be considered as a natural alternative to sports drinks and energy drinks rich in colorants and preservatives. It is useful for those who practice sport because it prevents muscle cramps. It is considered as a real panacea if taken in the amount of 40-50 millilitres per day. In general, it helps to improve energy levels, stimulating the production of hormones by the thyroid gland and stimulating the metabolism. This drink made from coconut contains numerous bioactive enzymes that our body uses for the digestion of food. Drinking coconut water is a useful natural remedy for those who suffer from digestive problems and abdominal pain caused by poor digestion. Coconut water must be taken regularly to achieve the desired effects.
Coconut also produces milk, a vegetable drink that can be combined with rice milk or almond milk, and oil, which is used as a beauty product but also as an ingredient for cooking and seasoning.
For millennia coconut oil has been used as a dietary and cosmetic product. It is a powerful destroyer of all types of microbes: viruses, bacteria, protozoa (many potentially harmful). Coconut oil is also a natural high quality fat carrier, fundamental for an optimal health of the organism.
About 50% of the fat contained in coconut oil is lauric acid, an extremely rare element in nature. Coconut oil contains more lauric acid than any other substance on Earth. 
Coconut oil offers a very long list of health benefits if it is included in the daily diet. In addition to its antimicrobial properties, it is useful to support heart health and proper thyroid function, strengthen the immune system, and maintain healthy, young skin.
But coconut oil also has an impressive number of other uses, from topical beauty applications, to first aid treatments, to cleaning in general.
Coconut oil can replace dozens of beauty and body care products.
Coconut oil is also known for its beneficial effects on hair. Most women who use it use it as a pre-shampoo conditioner. Simply massage the coconut oil into dry hair and leave it on for about an hour or more.
Mixed with baking soda it becomes a simple, cheap, but effective toothpaste. It is also a great alternative for those who want a toothpaste without the addition of fluoride, but do not intend to spend more.
Besides all the uses described so far, coconut oil also deserves a place in the medicine cabinet, again because of its antimicrobial and anti-viral activity. For example, ear infections, fungal infections, insect bites, lip herpes.
fake rolex kaufen Coconut has the ability to regulate blood sugar, lower cholesterol and help the body maintain proper hydration, especially if coconut pulp is consumed in addition to coconut water.
Coconut is considered a beneficial food in particular because of its mineral salt content. It is an important source of potassium but also contains other minerals such as magnesium, copper, phosphorus, zinc and iron. It contains natural sugars, vegetable fibres and amino acids. It is also a source of certain vitamins, with particular reference to B vitamins, vitamin C, vitamin E and vitamin K.
The consumption of coconut also helps to improve digestion, supports the immune system, is useful in the defence of the immune system, and is also a source of vitamins.


TAGS: cocco kenyaacqua coccolatte coccofrutta kenya

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