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Kenya, the hot August of tourism, between sea and safari

It's heading for a sell-out. Mondo Overland experts speak

10-08-2024 di redazione

It will be a much warmer August than the actual temperatures suggest in Kenya, which in that month will be heading towards its ‘spring’, the end of the wet season.
This is confirmed by contacts and requests on the main travel search and holiday booking engines, which place the African destination among the first long-haul destinations in the world, preferred by Italians, and it is also confirmed by tour operators and insiders from Kenya itself.
In addition to the choice of the ‘all-inclusive’ week, with charters resuming their scheduling very soon and which for August still have very few vacancies on Mombasa (at prices that are also quite high), travellers are adding travellers who include the coast in a holiday that will be shared with the ever-present safari.
Add to this an increasing number of tourists descending on Nairobi, a key crossroads for those who want to visit Mount Kenya and the Rift Valley, but also the Maasai Mara and Samburu reserves.
The number of ‘flight-only’ requests on booking platforms, from edreams to skyscanner, is also on the rise, as are requests from specialised agencies offering dynamic solutions.

‘Kenya continues to be taken by storm,’ say the Italian tour operator from Nairobi, Mondo Overland. ‘Safari + sea is the most clicked holiday solution on our site, as much as they love nature and wildlife, our countrymen in August and September do not want to miss the beach and the beauty of the Indian Ocean.
Among the marine destinations, as has been the case for the past few years, Watamu is the most in demand but also the most difficult to book, for those who are only now moving.
‘The resorts are practically “fully booked” not only in August, and it is already difficult even to find alternative solutions that are much sought after by travellers who prefer freer, eco-friendly holidays or in more intimate and familiar situations,’ explain those at Mondo Overland.
For those who want to avoid the fun confusion of the now very popular ‘pearl of the Indian Ocean’, the most sought-after alternative is Diani, while Lamu is confirmed as a niche destination.
"Those who choose Diani are usually already predisposed to a more relaxing and conscious holiday, which is why they prefer stays in well-maintained Bed & Breakfasts, Guest Houses that allow freedom to manage their free time or Boutique Hotels where, apart from the excellent services, the real luxury is complete relaxation, in addition to the enchantment of the location. As far as Lamu is concerned, the somewhat higher costs and the difficulties in finding flights make it a paradise for enthusiasts; in August, those who dream of nothing else will go there.

Apart from the Italians' seaside, as always August, even more than Christmas and New Year, is the month of safaris and not only for the great wildebeest migration. This year, climate change and an increase in some entry fees have changed preferences somewhat.
‘Amboseli is the most booked park this summer,’ admit Mondo Overland. ‘For August and a good part of September, at the foot of Kilimanjaro there is already no accommodation to be found. Even Naivasha and Nakuru, with their respective parks on the banks of the volcanic lakes of the Rift Valley, are practically sold out'.
Paradoxically, but for those who know the current situation in the country not too much, this year it is the queen reserve of Africa, the Maasai Mara, that still has a few lodges with availability.
"This is so, due to the coincidence between the increase in entrance fees, which have created a bit of natural selection, and the floods of the recent rainy season, which have forced some camps and hotels to close and divert bookings that had already arrived to other structures, if not even to cancel them, without yet having a certain date of reopening. Not only that, the floods have also created the classic psychosis among travellers who fear that the phenomenon may be repeated, not knowing that the great rains have already lost their strength and we are moving towards the summer season. Some have preferred to divert to other destinations anyway, in fact even Tsavo East and West, where there are still free beds, are fairly full'.
Mondo Overland's final advice for the coming season is to think even further ahead than August and September. ‘Kenya is one of the top destinations not only for Italians and its real summer starts in December, it is better to start thinking now about the holiday, a few more weeks and it could be very difficult to find the desired solutions, even for the beginning of 2025’.

TAGS: turismowatamu

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