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R.I.P. Royjan Taylor, "Daddy" of Watamu Snakes

The director of Bio-Ken Snake Farm suddenly leaves us.

13-06-2019 di redazione

Watamu suddenly loses his snake father and founder of one of the most important reptile centres not only in Kenya, but in much of Africa.
Royjan Taylor, director of the "Bio-Ken Snake Farm" in Watamu, died after a very rapid and devastating disease at the young age of 44.
His passion for snakes began when he was a child, in his grandparents' large farm in Eldoret, in the north of the country. A "contagious" passion that led him to be a regular visitor to the Bio-Ken, founded and managed by James Ashe, who at the end of the twentieth century was the main authority of Kenya with regard to snakes and their bites. Royjan continued to work with snakes and little by little became Ashe's right-hand man and a great friend, working side by side with him until his death in 2004.
Royjan has been running the Bio-Ken until recently and has created the James Ashe Anti-Venom Trust (JAAT) which assists victims of snake bites who cannot afford antidote treatment. Royjan has been running demonstrations throughout the country for more than twenty years, for tourists and local communities, with the hope of changing the bad reputation that snakes have through education and awareness. Since Royjan took over the Bio-Ken, he has built it to house one of the largest collections of African snakes in the world.  
Taylor leaves his wife and two children, as well as many friends and acquaintances who have learned to appreciate their human qualities, enthusiasm, competence and predisposition to teaching.

TAGS: rojyan taylorbio ken snake farmserpenti watamulutto watamu

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