Kenya Food


Meat cubes with mango chutney and coconut rice

A meat spicy recipe of Kenya swahili coast

05-12-2015 di redazione

Kenya's Swahili cuisine, as we know, is a mixture of the cultures and peoples that have landed on the coast, and the products of the territory they have learned to use. The example is provided by the use of coconut to boil and cream rice and by mango, which the English culture has also transformed into chutney sauce, using onions, spices and chilli peppers.
Here, then, is the recipe for beef with mango chutney, accompanied by coconut rice.

Ingredients:: Ingredients

2 tablespoons of oil
1 onion 
2 tablespoons of ginger and garlic paste
1 teaspoon of turmeric
1 egg
1 file
70 ml of coconut cream
1 red chili
1 carrot
500 gr of rice pishori
500 g of beef steak cut into strips
1 litre of water
Salt halls 

Put the oil in a pan and peel the meat to open the pores well, add the garlic pasta and ginger.
Add two cups of water and allow to evaporate over medium heat.
When the beef strips are almost cooked, toss the thinly chopped onion, turmeric, egg and lime juice into the pan. Mix well and finally add the carrot in cubes and the chilli pepper.
Amalgamate with coconut cream. 
Jump the rice for a few minutes with the rest of the ingredients to make it flavor, cover with the remaining water and cook with the lid until the rice is cooked. Serve with mango chutney.

(If you want to make mango chutney at home, follow the recipe published here!)

TAGS: Riso al coccoRicette KenyaCucina KenyaCucina swahiliRicette mangoricette coccopiatti swahili

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