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Despite the bad idea of charter flights to bring forward the closure of the Italian tourist season to 31 March, Easter in Watamu we are expected happy, than in previous years.
They are coming in fact, according to bookings, several...
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The Kiswahili language, originally from the coast of the same name that goes from the north of Mozambique to the Horn of Africa and later adopted also by the rest of East Africa, particularly by...
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Since there is tourism in Kenya, and particularly in the coastal resorts, there is a fashion among westerners (the so-called mzungu) to braid their hair in African style.
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Great restyiling for Papa Remo Beach, Watamu's historic organized beach that reopens on Thursday, July 20th for the season.
What will jump to your eyes now is the leap of quality elegance with white to make it master. White in...
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Virgola is one of the most well-known and important Italian brands in the hairdressing arena and its historical founder and owner Rinaldo Rampon is a love of Kenya.
For years he has watched Watamu and his beaches, but not only.
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Tourism in Watamu is by now a phenomenon in its own right from every possible vicissitude of Kenya.
This is a fact by now well established and the good news is that
Watamu at Easter was the set of an Indian wedding from "a thousand and one nights".
The Lover's Beach, the Island Resort and 7 Paparemo beach, the location chosen by two young scions of Indian society in Nairobi, Sonya and Pranav,...
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If you are a sweet tooth, you cannot miss the ecstasy of tasting Halwa.
Its name derives from the Arabic word "helw" which literally means sweet, it is a really delicious dessert that is widespread throughout the Middle East, Asia...
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Kenya, thanks to past trade relations with Arabs, Indians and Persians, is a mix of cultures and traditions, of stories and food.
Among the most common street food...
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A new, very nice "chiringuito" looks out onto the captivating setting of the Watamu beach meeting points.
In the bay of Fortamu, facing the island of love and just a few meters from
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Thirty kilometres north of Watamu, after the bridge over the mouth of the Sabaki River, where flamingos and hippos can be seen and where the vegetation is particularly luxuriant, lies the village of Mambrui.
The beauty of nature around Watamu is the first calling card of this wonderful resort in Kenya.
Twenty kilometres before Malindi, arriving from Mombasa and Kilifi, after the...