28-05-2022 di redazione
"Samaki wa kupaka ya nazi", literally "Coconut fish cubes" is a dish of the Swahili tradition of Kenya, which uses various spices of ancient Indian origin to give it flavor. A very tasty version includes "madras", the most common one being the classic curry.
Here is the recipe.
18-05-2022 di redazione
Moringa: the tree of life, the miracle tree or even the immortal plant.
It is a member of the Moringaceae family, of which at least 13 species are known, ranging from...
17-05-2022 di redazione
This delicious rice cake is known on the Kenyan coast as mkate wa sinia or mkate wa kumimina, which literally means flat bread.
It is an absolute must try and is also...
02-05-2022 di redazione
Watamu carried its name high as the world's offshore fishing destination by representing Kenya in the international offshore tournament held in Costa Rica in recent days and