ARCHIVIO 06/2020


Meat stew with cassava, traditional Kenyan recipe

Muhogo wa Nyama, a hearty dish for the fresh season

30-06-2020 di redazione

"Muhogo wa Nyama" (meat with cassava) is a typical Kenyan dish. Cassava is a tuber also known as cassava, it is used to make flour or like potatoes, both fried and stewed. Its taste is a bit reminiscent of chestnuts. In this case it can be an alternative to potatoes or green bananas for meat stew.



That's why the Kenyan Tusker beer is called like that

Few people know the story from which the name and the elephant, one of Kenya's symbolic logos

28-06-2020 di redazione

Many famous labels of spirits and distillates in the world hide, behind their sometimes curious names, sometimes resounding, curious legends or interesting implications related to their founders or places of production.
This is the case of Kenya's national beer, now a real trademark of the country, not only for thousands of domestic consumers, but for tourists and travellers.



Everything you need to know about Swahili Kanga

The history of the most used garment on the east coast of Africa, the meaning of their writings and colors

26-06-2020 di Ferdinanda Vigliani

East coast of Africa. 
The boundaries of that linguistic and cultural unity known as Swahili culture range from Mogadishu in the north to Cape Delgado in Mozambique. 
A long coastline shared by a single language: the kiswahili, a mixture of Arabic and bantu, whose texts date back to the 12th century. 
But a strong visual element, a fashion system that dominates women's clothing, imposes itself in this area in the eyes of the traveller. 
It is an explosion of colour, a display of shapes and symbolic elements, a touch of elegance that not even the poorest woman could ever give up: kanga. 



Mango chutney beef rags with coconut rice

A meat recipe from the Swahili cuisine of Kenya

25-06-2020 di redazione

The Swahili cuisine of Kenya, as we know, is a mixture of the cultures and people who have landed on the coast, and the products of the territory they have learned to use. The example is offered by the use of coconut for boiling and stirring rice and mango, which the English culture has also transformed into "chutney" sauce, using onions, spices and chilli pepper.
So here is the recipe for beef with mango chutney, accompanied by coconut rice.



How good is the graviola!

The many qualities of the "sweet medicine" that abounds in Kenya

24-06-2020 di redazione

You can find it in local markets, or watch it bend the branches of the plant on which it grows, the Annona muricata.
It may seem harsh with its spines and huge (a single fruit can weigh up to 2 kg), but not only is it edible, but it is one of the most beneficial fruits found in nature.



HELL’S KITCHEN The magic of Marafa

The hidden canyon

22-06-2020 di redazione

The natives call it “Nyari”, a giriama word that means “the place crumbling naturally by itself”.
Marafa village is in Magarini district, just forty kilometres down Malindi area, less than one hour drive, mostly on a good dirt road studded by baobabs and mangoes.



Kiwano, the moisturizing and revitalizing "cuckold"

It is also found in Kenya and is excellent against the heat, but also dietetic

21-06-2020 di redazione

Perhaps that cucumber aftertaste may leave you bewildered for a moment, but in its bittersweet bouquet you can also taste lime, passion and banana. We're talking about Kiwano, also known as horned melon.
Belonging to the Cucurbitaceae family, the Cucumis metuliferus is the fruit of a climbing plant native...



The sweet positive energy of Kenya's pineapple

Famous for its goodness, it is a load of vitamins with few calories

19-06-2020 di redazione

Sweet, fresh and thirst quenching Kenyan pineapple is one of the most loved fruits not only in this country.
A typical fruit of the coast, but also cultivated in the Rift Valley and around Nairobi (Thika's is particularly famous), pineapple (or pineapple, in Italian) belongs to the bromeliad family.


Many properties of mangrove honey

Even in Mida Creek there's this precious nectar

18-06-2020 di redazione

Watamu's mangroves are a natural paradise that attracts thousands of tourists, environmentalists and nature-loving travelers every year. They are a unique and fantastic natural landscape, with its microclimate and an ecosystem that allows you to observe certain types of birds, amphibians and crustaceans, such as the famous mangrove crab.



The recipe for real Swahili chicken

Preparation and secrets of the tasty land dish of the Kenyan coast

17-06-2020 di redazione

Chicken cooked "alla swahili" suffers, like many dishes of the Kenyan coast, from ancient mixes and suggestions between India, Middle East and other countries that have frequented the Indian Ocean of Africa.
Here is the original recipe for this tasty earth dish



When Ernest Hemingway discovered Watamu

Two days for marlin fishing and a bath in blue lagoon

16-06-2020 di redazione

The great American writer Ernest Hemingway was almost 35 years old, when he saw Kenya for the first time.
He, a great vivour and passionate of strong emotions, a hunter of women and animals, had long been fond of deep-sea fishing.
From the Florida villa, with the Pilar boat, purchased with the proceeds of the first novels published at home, he decided to carry out an expedition in the heart of Africa where he could match the passion for marlin and shark fishing to big hunting.



The spectacular coral reef of Watamu

Ecosystem and best places for snorkeling

15-06-2020 di redazione

The coral reef is one of Watamu's and Kenyan Indian Ocean attractions.
Off the tourist resort, the first barrier is present from the entrance of Mida Creek to Malindi without interruption and has allowed over time and thanks to the tides, the formation of the famous sand atolls off Mayungu.
The first barrier, when the low tide is particularly low, emerges at the water level and is also walking on foot, although their beauty is to be discovered by snorkeling, or swimming deep in mask and fins if Not in "diving" with even oxygen cylinders.



The beauty of the mangroves in Mida Creek

Boat trips and walks in unique landscapes

13-06-2020 di redazione

Among the thousands of possibilities to enjoy Nature that Kenya, and particularly its coast, can boast, there is certainly the sea landscape dominated by mangroves.
These plants, which have their roots in soils which feed on water from the Indian Ocean, form really particular landscapes.



11-06-2020 di redazione

The coconut is the fruit of the coconut palm, scientific name Cocos nucifera, a plant belonging to the Arecaceae family and native to Indonesia, but thanks to the ability of coconuts to float on seawater and maintain the ability to germinate after 110 days of immersion (a period in which they can travel up to 5000 kilometers) has spread naturally in many places around the globe. 


Passion Fruit, a "passion" of Kenya that does well

Beta-carotene and fibres: richness and pleasure with exotic taste

10-06-2020 di redazione

The passion fruit is also called Maracuja and is the fruit of the Passiflora Edulis, a tropical climbing plant belonging to the Passifloraceae family.
One might think that its name evokes aphrodisiac properti



Matoke (green bananas) with meat, a simple and hearty dish

Recipe of the classic African soup

09-06-2020 di redazione

The "matoke" or "matoki" are green bananas, also known as plane tree, not excessively sweet, which also in Kenya, as in most of Africa, have various utilizations. Besides flour and bread, they are used as potatoes in stews.



08-06-2020 di redazione


Chicken with spices and lime with masala rice

The recipe for a very popular dish on the coast of Kenya

04-06-2020 di redazione

Chicken with spices and lime is a tasty land dish from the Kenyan coast.
The combination of chicken with sweet and sour is a classic in Indo-Eastern cuisine, as is the combination with ginger and turmeric.
It is not uncommon to find this dish accompanied by rice flavored with garam masala in Mombasa, Malindi an Watamu.


03-06-2020 di redazione


Swahili pilau rice with meat

One of the national dishes cooked in the coastal way

02-06-2020 di redazione

The rice "pilau" is one of the most common unique dishes to be found in restaurants in Kenya, especially those on the coast. The recipe is of Middle Eastern origin, but its Swahili variant is widespread especially in Kenya and Tanzania and...



Star fruit, the Kenyan fruit that saves lives

Super antioxidant, used in post-chemo therapies

01-06-2020 di redazione

Star Fruit, as it is called in English-speaking countries like Kenya, is little known in Italy as Carambola, which comes from its plant, the Averrhoa Carambola. 
On the other hand, the name of the plant itself....